Concert Selections from our 2009 concert
Bring Him Home (from "Les Miserables")
God on high, hear my prayer
In my need, you have always been there
He is young, he's afraid
Let him rest, heaven-blessed
Bring him home, Bring him home, Bring him home
He's like the son I might have known
If God had granted me a son
The summers die, one by one
How soon they fly, on and on
And I am old and will be gone
Bring him peace, bring him joy
He is young, he is only a boy
You can take, you can give
Let him be, let him live
If I die, let me die
Let him live
Bring him home
Bring him home ...
Credo (from "Mass for a New Millennium" by Richard Nance)
Translation from Latin - sung in Latin
I believe in one God, the Father almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages, God of God, Light of Light, true God of true God, begotten not made, consubstantial with the Father, by whom all things were made.
Domine Deus (from "Mass for a New Millennium" by Richard Nance - April Duvic, mezzo-soprano)
Translation from Latin - sung in Latin
O Lord God, heavenly king, God the Father Almighty, O Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son: O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us: thou who takest away the sins of the world, receive our prayers: thou who sittest at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For only thou art holy; thou only art the Lord; thou only, O Jesus Christ.
Gloria (from "Mass for a New Millennium" by Richard Nance)
Translation from Latin - sung in Latin
Glory be to God on high, and on earth peace to men of good will.
We praise thee, we bless thee, we adore thee; we glorify thee
We give thee thanks for thy great glory.
Sanctus (from "Mass for a New Millennium" by Richard Nance
Translation from Latin - sung in Latin
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Sabaoth. Heaven and earth are full of thy glory. Hosanna in the highest.
Come Dwell in Solomon's Walls (paraphrased texts from II Chronicles, Chapter 8) by Z. Randall Stroope
When the final timber lay 'gainst the measured stones,
with the doorposts in their place, overlaid with gold.
The Lord appeared to Solomon, blessings all the house.
The temple of the ark of God, pure and whole.
Come dwell in Solomon's walls,
Come dwell in the house of the Lord.
Where the humble bow down, seeking wisdom and strength,
For the Lord dwells within and heals their land.
Come dwell in Solomon’s walls,
come dwell in the house of the Lord;
where wisdom and righteous, justice and holiness, join at the feet of God.
When the people of this house, kneel and humbly pray,
When they turn from dark to light and your will obey,
O Lord of heaven and Lord of earth,
Show favor on this house,
And heal, restore, forgive and bless, Lord we pray.
Come dwell in Solomon's walls,
Come and dwell in the house of the Lord,
where wisdom and righteousness, justice and holiness
Join at the feet of God.
Tell My Father (from "The Civil War" by Frank Wilhorn, arr. Andrea Ramsey (soloist: Reginald Unterseher)
Tell my father that his son didn't run or surrender.
That I wore his name with pride, as I tried to remember you are judged by what you do, while passing through.
As I rest neath fields of green, let him lean on my shoulder.
Tell him how I spent my youth, so the truth could grow
Tell my father when you can, I was a man.
Tell him we will meet again where the
angels learn to fly.
Tell him we will meet as men for with honor did I die.
Tell him how I wore the blue, proud and true,
through the fire.
Tell my father so he'll know, I love him so.
Tell him we will meet again where the
angels learn to fly.
Tell him we will meet as men, for with honor did I die.
Tell him how I wore the blue, proud and true like he taught me,
Tell my father not to cry, then say goodbye.