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CHOR ANNO - 2010
Afternoon on a Hill - Eric Barnum
Arise, My Love - Walworth 2010
Benedizione-SSA-Joan Szymko (Margaret Gr
City Called Heaven-2010
MLK-Bob Chilcott-Joe Strandjord-soloist-
Simple Gifts - Arr. Cochran 2010
Tyger, Tyger - Unterseher 2010
CHOR ANNO - 2012
Beauty and Blessing- Alice Parker-2012.m
I Dreamed of Rain - Garrett-arr Nickel-2
Lamento della ninfa-Monteverdi-Molly Hol
Lux tenebris-James Whitbourn 2012
My Soul's Been Anchored in the Lord - Ar
Si, ch'io vorrei morire - Monteberdi-201
Sweet By and By-arr. Hall
The Belle of Belfast City-Arr Gerald Cus
Vestigia-Imant Raminish-2012
Who Is This- Ferguson 2012-conducted Kle
CHOR ANNO - 2011
Agnus Dei -Lamb of
No Time-Arr. Susan Brumfield-2011 Chor A
We Rise Again - Arr Smith-2013-Camas
CHOR ANNO - 2013
Gloria a 7-Monteverdi-2013-Camas
Let the River Run - arr Johnson-2013 Cam
Light of a Clear Blue Morning - Johnson-
Long Road - Esenvalds-2013-Camas
Psalm of Life-Johnson-Camas-2013
Tu es Petrus - Pearsall-2013-Van
CHOR ANNO - 2014
Ain't No Grave Can Hold My Body Down - A
Banks of Doon-Donna Gartman Schultz-2014
Come Dwell in Solomon's Walls-Stroope-20
Saints Bound for Heaven - Arr-Wilberg-20
The Pasture-Stroope 2014-Yak
CHOR ANNO - 2015
Amazing Grace-2015 LV
Amor de mi alma - Stroope 2015-Van
CHOR ANNO - 2016
Flight Song (C) - 2016
Brightest and Best - arr Kirchner 2015 L
I'll be On My Way-arr Kirschner-2017-LV.
Long Time Ago - arr Copland-2015 LV
Nada de turbe-Sokol-2015 LV
The Belle of Belfast City - arr Gerald C
The Nightingale-arr Dan Forest-2015
CHOR ANNO - 2017
Ballade to the Moon -Elder-2017 LV
Fionnghuala-arr McGlynn-Soloist-Unterseh
Gospel Medley-2017-VAN
Let Us Have Peace-Aitken-2017-VAN
We Can Mend the Crack ihe Crack in the S
CHOR ANNO - 2018
Five Hebrrew Love Songs - Whitaker (Mil)
Os justi mediabitur
CHOR ANNO - 2019
How Can I Keep From Singing - V-9-21-19.
I Will Arise-Arr. Kirchner-2019-soloist-
O Love-Hagenberg-2019
Sure on this Shining Night -LV-9-21-19.m
The Music of Stillness - Van-9-21-19
We Shall Overcome-Lean On Me-VAN- 9-22-1
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